CD/DVD Releases: Final Conflict Release New Album, Announce Gig
Final Conflict wrote earlier this month: After many moons slaving in the semi-darkness of the studio, FC has finally emerged bleary-eyed and blinking into the daylight! The first thing they saw was a bright light shining through the mists of Newcastle-under-Lyme. Was it a sign? Yes it was! The Rigger, arguably the best live music venue in Stoke-on-Trent, had reopened. A Christmas gig was promptly secured.
We hope to see all our old friends for an excellent evening of prog-rock at the Rigger on Saturday 23rd December. Contact Dud at the Rigger on 01782 616602 or check out their website for more information.
The new album Simple is off to press as we speak and we hope to get it back in the next weeks or two. Certainly in plenty of time for Christmas presents and Christmas gigs!
Finally, if you're on Madspace take a look at our new site: We'd love to add you as a friend.
Seasons' greetings from all at FC
Ho, Ho, Ho!