Axemaster's ''5 Demons'' Available As I-Tunes Download
Date: Saturday, March 15 @ 19:30:00 UTC
Topic: Band News (tours, comings/goings, etc)

While the band finished the music for the new CD and turned the recording over to new singer Dan Kaisk to lay down the vocals for what will be BY FAR the best Axemaster ever, there has been some news.............

The band's release 5 Demons (Imperative Is Their Demise) from 1991 has been added to Smog Veil Records' I-Tunes roster for downloading (joining Blessing In The Skies). 5 Demons was the last release the band did while still active and the last time they released all new music. It's quite possibly the best of their old material. Check it out at

[Source: Joe Sims, Axemaster]

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