Ruminations - August 11, 1998
by Stephanie Sollow

Progressive Music Review Explained

Last issue, I briefly outlined this e-zine's focus. In the time since the issue was published, I was asked why I started an e-zine. As I stated there, it is rooted in a love of music, but that isn't the full and complete answer.

In another life, I am a web site designer and developer (and in yet another life, I'm something else entirely - strictly legal, of course). In planning my personal space as a showcase for my particular skills (or fledging skills, as the industry changes daily), I realized that a simple page with a resume wasn't going to do (though it is here [or rather, there {and very, very much out of date} -ed], for those interested).

Although, if no one visited, it wouldn't be waste of bandwidth, why not contribute something of value to the web community. [Um...I think I meant 'would be a waste of bandwith'...which isn't even technically accurate since...oh well. -ed.] Even if it is a small community that visits these pages.

An inventory of my interests and background, led to the perfect melding of the two - review page.

Of course, I'm not the only one out there with a review site - the old adage about opinions is true. Everyone has one. And this thing we call the The Net or The Web has allowed so many of us to share our opinions for practically pennies.

[And in 2011, I discovered a newcomer using our name (without the .net, but still)... we are the only, true and original ProgressiveWorld... although, we weren't called that when this editorial was written! -ed.]

So, what you have here is the result of one person (so far) wanting to have something out there other than just another vanity page - no camera trained on me 24/7; not going to see me give birth live on the net. Sure, it may get a big draw, but [those of] you reading this already know what I'm doing most of the day - listening to music, reading the trades, gathering opinions and getting this site going.

Because my other interest is the layout and design of the site, that may change as the industry does. But, my other goal is to be in a situation where I can make this a monthly review page and include more reviews - the content won't play second fiddle.

Speaking of fiddles, this month we review Tempest's latest release The Gravel Walk, an album where fiddles and violins play a major part in Tempest's sound. And here's an instrument you don't hear often in progressive music - other than jazz - the trombone. Magellan's Test Of Wills features this very instrument, used to good effect.

The trend this issue seems to be instrumental progressive, as nearly half of the albums up for review are all instrumental affairs, including the debut by the New England based Electrum. And, I shouldn't fail to mention that progressive mainstays Yes are back with another release.

A special issue is slated for mid-September - short takes on past releases - and then the next full issue released in November.

You don't have to agree with us on our reviews or who we choose to review - we invite comment. And, if you have a review of an album you'd like to share - send it to us

[The short takes thing did happen, called Quick Takes, but has since been absorbed into the main body of this Progressive World site, the reviews themselves scattered throughout the various sections. -ed.]

As I make note, this site was called Progressive Music Review. It remained so until the summer of '99. - SS Sep 2011

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Published on: 1998-08-11 (2403 reads)

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