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CD/DVD Releases: More News On The Syn's ''Big Sky''

Posted on Monday, April 20 @ 01:30:00 UTC by nightowl

Steve Sikes-Nova, of Umbrello Records, posted the following at e-Prog, an item that was originally posted at Francis Dunnery's site (in News as "Get Ready For The Syn" by Dominic Beaumont):

The new Syn album, Big Sky, was recorded over the last twelve months and features founding member Steve Nardelli on vocals, Tom Brislin on keyboards, Dorie Jackson on backing vocals and Paul Ramsey on drums. The album also features Francis Dunnery on guitar and vocals. The album was produced by Francis Dunnery and mixed by Brett Kull (Echolyn).

Dunnery was due to tour with the Syn almost four years ago but after two weeks of rehearsals the bands scheduling problems meant that Dunnery had return to his educational studies. Nardelli and Dunnery kept in touch and decided last year to write and record a brand new Syn album. Big Sky is a result of those efforts.

Big Sky Producer Francis Dunnery explains "Steve Nardelli walked onstage with Dorie Jackson and I at last years CKDCF concert and literally blew everyone's socks off. The songs were amazing and his voice is absolutely fantastic. This album is going to have the same affect. I know I'm not renowned for my modesty but I have to say that this is a remarkable collection of songs".

The album will be set for a special online release to coincide with the new Moon on 24th April. "Steve thinks I'm nuts but I know releasing it on the New Moon in Aries is the right thing to do. We'll get all that fantastic Spring energy on the CD". Dunnery teases "This is the first ever prog album that women will like, we might even see some women at the next Syn concerts in April and May".

He continues "I thought the last Syn album was really great and all the guys involved did a superb job. Songs like 'Cathedral Of Love' are now classics in the Prog scene. On Big Sky I wanted to take advantage of Steve's voice and his extremely progressive lyrics. Steve Nardelli is progressive in the true sense of the word that he is focused on the future.... on what's possible. There is so much hope and wonder in his lyrics that I thought it would be a great shame to cover them up with 20 minute long keyboard solos."

There are many different personalities inside each of us and although Steve is a mature adult, the person who writes Steve's Nardelli's lyrics is the young hopeful boy in him looking up at the stars in wonder. Whoever and wherever that young hopeful boy is, he is definitely all over this album. The album promotes faith in the goodness of life. Steve Nardelli hasn't lost his faith that life will deliver its promise, the Holy Grail or the alchemists gold. This is an album for the times, it's a message of hope and a positive reminder that life is worth living."

The Syn will be heading across America in April and May for the first stint of their American tour before heading to Europe in the fall. There are many things happening over the coming weeks with this project so keep checking back. I've only just scratched the surface.

Plus: The Syn is very pleased to announce that bass guitar duties for the Big Sky tour will be held down by Jamie Bishop, a very talented player out of New York City. Jamie plays bass on Francis Dunnery's new DVD and has played with Stratospheerius and a number of other fine, young bands. Jamie was educated at the prestigious Berklee College of Music (Bishop's MySpace site)

A word of caution from Steve Nardelli: "It has been pointed out to me that scalpers are already offering Syn concert tickets at very high prices. Please avoid them, tickets have been priced in line with the current economic times and are available through normal sales channels; check via the venues. A heads up as well, there will be a special CD/tour package announced next week that includes show tickets and is very well priced."

Posted in Album Release News