Black Pearl Productions Announces: "Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer qu'Eletria sera en spectacle ? La Place ? C?t? (4571 Papineau, Montr?al) le 23 f?vrier prochain!
"Venez d?couvrir l'histoire unique d'Eletria et vivre toutes les ?motions de cette oeuvre qualifi?e de "Magistrale" par les milliers d'Internautes qui ont visit? nos sites et achet? l'lbum depuis 1 an.
"Billets: $7 en pr?-vente (sur nos sites) ou $10 ? la porte le soir de l'?v?nement."
"We are pleased to announce that Eletria will perform at La Place ? C?t? (4571 Papineau, Montreal) on February 23!
"Come discover the unique history of Eletria and live all the emotions of this work described as "Magistrale" by the thousands of Internet users who have visited our sites and bought the album since it's release earlier this year.
"Tickets: $ 7 in advance (on our sites) or $ 10 at the door the evening of the event."